Will Jeff Bezos fly to Space in July?

Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos

Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos recently announces he will fly to space in July, making him the first 'Space Billionaire' to actually go to space.

In an Instagram post,, Bezos revealed he and his brother Mark would launch on the mission, alongside the winner of an ongoing auction taking place for a seat.

This will be the first time Blue Origin has launched humans to space, beyond an altitude of 100 kilometres, making Bezos inclusion somewhat surprising.

Only three person will travel at this first time of Blue Origin launching time. "His brother is selected because he is closest man to him ," Bezos said in his conversation. 

"Too see the Earth from space, it changes you," Bezos said in his post. " I want to go on this flight because it's thing I've wanted to do all my life."

The mission will take place on board Blue Origin's new Shepard vehicle, a reusable rocket and capsule that has performed multiple uncrewed missions.

Another billionaire Elon Mask is taking preparation to go on Mars. SpaceX taking all preparation to go on Mars. But till now he don't publish any date when he will go there.
