Some information of Coronavirus


Is Coronavirus a Bacteria or Virus?

The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean you hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

Is headache a symptom of  the Coronavirus disease?

The virus can cause a range of symptoms, from ranging from mild illness to pneumonia. Symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat and headaches.

Can COVID-19 be transmitted through food?

There is currently no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from food. The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed at temperature similar to that of other known viruses and bacteria found in food.

Who is most at risk for COVID-19?

The COVID-19 virus infects people of all ages. However, evidence to date suggests that two groups of people are at a higher risk of getting severe COVID-19 disease. These are older people; and those with underlying medical conditions. WHO emphasizes that all must protect themselves from COVID-19 in order to protect others.

IS the coronavirus disease a pandemic?

COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. This is due to the rapid increase in the number of cases throughout the world.

