Why Planet Mars is called 'Red Planet'?

Mars has a very dusty surface.Mars, which is the fourth planet from the sun and the third smallest in size, got its name because of rusty red color.People associated the planets blood-red  color with war, so they named it Mars, after the Roman god of war.

The 'Red Planet' Mars, named for the Roman God of war, has long been an omen in the night sky.And in its own way, the planet's rusty red surface tells a story of destruction. Billions of years ago, the fourth planet from the Sun could have been mistaken for Earth's twin,, with liquid water on its surface and maybe even life.

Now, the World is cold, barren desert with few signs of liquid water.But after decades of study using orbiters, landers and rovers, scientists have revealed Mars as a dynamic, windblown landscape that could- just maybe-harbor microbial life beneath its rusty surface even today.
Longer year and shifting seasons

With a radius of 2106 miles, Mars is the seventh largest planet in our solar system and about half the diameter of Earth.Its surface gravity is 37.5 percent of Earth's.

Mars rotate on its axis every 24.6 Earth hours, defining the length of a Martian day which is called a solar day.Mar's axis of  radiation is tilted 25.2 degree relative to the plane of the planet's orbit around the sun, which helps give Mars seasons similar to those on Earth. Whichever hemisphere is titled closer to the sun experiences spring and summer, while the hemisphere titled away get and winter, At two specific moments each year-called the equinoxes - both hemisphere receive equal illumination.
