Use Bicycle to reduce pollution

Pollution is the most weird sound of this era. Pollution is occurring everyday.If we fails to reduce the pollution, One day the beautiful world will turn into a dust. Air pollution is one of the most harmful pollution which impact on people directly. 

It occurs from a variety of sources and driving car is just one of them. Each time a person choose their bicycle over their vehicle, it cuts down on the air pollution in your community and town. There are several ways in which bicycling instead of driving can reduce pollution and once you know the reasons, you'll be much  more likely to choose you bike over your car.

The main reason why bicycle reduces air pollution is, that doesn't use any fuel. The average car produces about 1.3 billion cubic yards of pollution air over the course of its lifespan.Worn tire particles, brake garbage and the emission from of plastic and other materials in the car also contribute to air pollution.Bicycle, on the other hand, don't present this problem and opting to ride instead of drive in a powerful way to cut back on the pollution yo produce over the course of your day. 

For manufacturing less energy is needed.It's price is also less.It can keep anywhere one want.Bicycle doesn't require any motor oil or battery to operate. Not only does production of those items cause pollution, but they release pollution into air when use and when disposed of . Bicycle are a clean and green solution to the problem.Bicycle are environment friendly.
