Benefits of Vitamins

Vitamin is essential for human body. To keep safe, far from disease for controlling our regular body chores it Vitamins are incomparable. All Vitamins are different from one to others. So none Vitamin is negligible. Now lets look in short importance of Vitamin A, B, C and D.

Vitamin A

  • known as Retinol ( It's an anti-agent molecules that accelerates skin-renewal and reduce wrinkles, lines and age spots).
  • Found is carrots and leafy green vegetables
  • Important for eye health
  • Deficiency causes night blindness

Vitamin B

  • Known as Vitamin B Complex
  • Found in diary and nuts
  • Importance for digestion and metabolism
  • Deficiency causes nerve problems and fatigue

Vitamin C

  • Known as Ascorbic Acid
  • Found in Citrus fruits and tomatoes
  • Importance for boosting immunity , a mood elevator and producing collagen
  • Deficiency causes scurvy

Vitamin D

  • Known as Calliciferol
  • Found in fish, dairy and Sunshine
  • Importance for improving muscle function, cold and flu protection and a source of calcium
  • Deficiency cause rickets
