What will happen if World temperature increase rapidly?

Temperature is an important factor for this Earth. Depending on this factor, a lot of matters depend.  Temperature is increasing day by day. Its results are visible to every corner of the world. The sea-level is increasing, the hottest areas are becoming more hot, seasons are decreasing, etc. If this heat increasing process continues, soon the earth will lose its control.

According to a continuous study conducted by the NASA’s Goddard institute, the Earth’s average global temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius or 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, thermometer readings have risen continuously.

The weather in your locality constantly goes up and down by larger degrees. Why should anyone be concerned about a 1 degree increase in the global temperature? Well, global temperature primarily depends on the amount of energy it receives from the sun and it radiates how much of it back into space. The numbers change very little unless some other factor affects the change in temperature. The amount of energy that the planet radiates back into space depends on the chemical composition of our atmosphere–like greenhouse gases.

Changes on a global scale happen slowly, normally. Geological processes take eons even. One degree rise in the surface temperature of the Earth is therefore very important. Something unnatural is causing this and scientists have discovered that burning fossil fuels is one major contributor. It is not a small feat to warm all the oceans, land, and the atmosphere by even 1 degree.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the warmest 30-year period is between 1983 to 2012. Human activities continue to emit large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere in-spite of efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.
If the world temperature rises by two degrees, mountain glaciers and rivers will disappear and mountainous regions will see more landslides, as the permafrost that held them together melts away.
The Chart of increasing temperature in last 150 years

By 2100, sea levels could rise by a metre, displacing 10% of the world’s population. Countries such as the Maldives will be submerged and the Indian subcontinent will be left fighting for survival. People will also die in greater numbers as they struggle with the increasing heat.
The ecosystem will collapse and a third of all life on earth will face extinction. Plant growth will slow, then stop. Plants don’t absorb carbon dioxide very well so begin to emit it - making global warming worse.
The world’s food centres will become barren and, within 85 years, one third of the planet will be without fresh water.

If the world’s temperature rises by two to three degrees, up to 40% of the Amazon rainforest will be destroyed and warmer soil will kill vegetation and release more carbon.
Hurricanes will be stronger and cities in Asia, Australia and the south-east of the US will face destruction. The North Sea will tear apart Holland.
Saltwater will creep upstream, poisoning the groundwater and ruining the food supply.
If the world’s temperature rises by three to four degrees, millions of people will begin to flee coastal areas, cities will begin to vanish and some will become islands.
The ice at both poles will vanish and this could see a rise in sea levels of as much as 50m, although this may take hundreds or thousands of years.
China, a major producer of the world’s rice, wheat and maize, could see its agriculture fail - it will need to feed more than a billion people on two-thirds of its current harvest.
Summers will be longer and soaring temperatures will see forests turn to firewood, with even Britain’s south reaching 45C. The increased demand on air-conditioning puts massive pressure on the country’s power grid.
If the world’s temperature increases by six degrees, rainforests will be deserts and massive numbers of migrants will flock to the few parts of the world they see as inhabitable, resulting in racial conflict and civil war.
Many will choose places such as Canada and Siberia but even those climates may be too hot to grow food.
Stagnant oceans mean more hydrogen sulphide, which kills the sea-life and, if the sea heats up enough, massive stores of methane hydrate under the sea will begin to escape.
Methane is flammable and the smallest spark or lightning strike could see fireballs tearing across the sky. Explosions greater than a nuclear bomb could destroy life on earth entirely.
Sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere will continue to cripple the ozone layer, leaving all remaining life exposed to extreme levels of UV radiation.

So what can we do to stop this?
Plant a tree, recycle, use energy-saving light bulbs and turn off the water while you brush your teeth. More drastic measures include giving up meat - or even giving up beef would make a big difference - and giving up your car.
